Friday, August 31, 2012

From the Stacks: An Introduction

In college I had a column in the paper where I wrote reviews of books. I called the column "From the Stacks," and though the running of the column really depended on whether or not we had space to fill, I really did enjoy it. All day yesterday I kept thinking about how just posting once a week didn't seem like I was doing enough here on my blog and so I started thinking that maybe it would be cool to bring back "From the Stacks" here. Every Friday I will post a review to a book I have read, and I will try to make them books I have read recently, though with my writing schedule I may not be able to keep to that every single week.

If I was able to do a brand-new review every week then that would mean reading 52 books a year. While I admit that I have already finished that many books this year, some of them were more like novellas and others were short story collections. I also had a few books that I was re-reading and then a couple of the books were actually graphic novels.

Something that I think I will try to set up for probably the last "From the Stacks" in October and the first one in November is a guest post. I have a couple of author friends who have books coming out on November 1st. Once I have the "From the Stacks" segments a little more cemented on this blog, I am going to shoot both of them messages to see if they would be willing to write up something for the blog about their own novels.

Another occurrence that might pop up from bringing "From the Stacks" here is that I may start to post my reviews to the books being read in the two Goodreads book clubs I am in: Sword & Laser, and Vaginal Fantasy Hangout. I really try to keep up with both clubs and so it may be that either the last Friday in the month or the first in the month will have the reviews of the book read that month or the previous month.

Now, right now my only Goodreads account is my personal one so I'm not exactly going to share that with everyone so you can follow me (as much as I would appreciate that, I do need to have my private life as well). I plan on creating an author account once I start getting published, and I will definitely let you all know when that happens.

Okay, now since I have just decided to start doing the book reviews again, I don't exactly have one prepared to post today. Instead I will let you know what I am reading and should be posting about in the next couple weeks. The August Vaginal Fantasy Hangout book was Ill Wind by Rachel Caine, and while it was a re-read for me, I may still write up a post about it. The August Sword & Laser book was Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb, and I can admit that I haven't actually started it yet because I'm still working on a couple earlier S&L books: Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey, and Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay. With any luck I'll have some time to read these books and I'll have a shiny new review ready for you guys next week.

In the meantime, feel free to comment on this post and let me know what sort of information you would like to see with my reviews. Would you like me to rate them on a scale of say 1-5? Would you like to have links included on where you can find the book as well as other titles by the author? I'd like my blog to become more interactive, so tell me what you'd like to see. Thanks everyone.

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