Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Edits, Plans, and Book Excitement

All right everyone, here is my first writing update post-Camp NaNoWriMo. Before I get to talking about Resurrection, I'll first mention everything else going on. I have my confirmation as ML for my region for NaNoWriMo 2012 in November and I have already ordered my kit, complete with stickers and such for the participants. I think a little bit of money from the next couple of paychecks will have to go towards getting the 2012 NaNo shirt and quite possibly the new thermos they came out with because it is really kind of awesome.

I know that I still need to do some planning for Battle of Dreams, my NaNovel this year, but my main focus for the next two months is on finishing up with the editing of Resurrection. Based on my averages for the chapters I have already gone through, I predict that my final word count will be somewhere around 100,000 so I have set my target as such on Scrivener. That means that you guys will get awesome little pictures to back up my progress instead of just words:

69,039 words so far and I still have 15 more chapters to edit. It is slow work but I am confident that I will be able to get through it all. The great part of working on the Project Death series is that I already had a playlist built and so from now until I finish my edits I will have the entire playlist on repeat for inspiration. I listen to it while writing as well as when I am driving to and from work, just so I can mentally prepare myself to write when I get home.

Today was also a fun day because I received two packages in the mail and both contained books. One package came because of a giveaway I entered on Goodreads. The book is The Other Half of Me by Morgan McCarthy. It is contemporary domestic fiction, so not really my normal cup of tea but seeing as how I'm not making a lot of money right now, I will accept any free books I can. This is one I am going to try to get to reading fairly soon so I can write a review up on Goodreads. They say if you review then you are more likely to win future giveaways. The other package came from Amazon as a gift from a very good author friend of mine. We had been talking about an e-mail I received from author A.E. Marling in regards to his book Brood of Bones. I had asked Marling about getting his book on NOOK and apparently his contract with Amazon doesn't allow him to do that, but I still thought the book was interesting and I planned on buying a copy as soon as I could afford it, but my friend beat me to it. Completely unexpected but I am thrilled and can't wait to get reading.

Well, I still have a couple hours before I'm meeting up with my writing group (aka the group of fellow Wrimos from my region) so I think I will spend that time working on more edits. Don't forget, on Friday I'll be back with my first post for "From the Stacks."

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