Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo June Session - Stuck in a Rut

I kinda feel like I've enrolled in a camp and the first day is all great and exciting and then everything changes. In an actual camp this would probably be something like never-ending storms that keep all the campers from going hiking or canoeing or enjoying a bonfire or anything like that. For Camp NaNoWriMo, it is more like hitting a huge block in writing.

It isn't that I'm not interested in my story, because I am. The big problem is that right now the idea of writing about Death and the Angel of Death just feels wrong. On the second day of Camp my family got a phone call and we learned that my grandma was being taken to the hospital. She is 86 years old and so hearing her name combined with hospital is extremely scary.

At first we were told that her potassium was low and she was dehydrated so they thought she would be released fairly quickly, but then after that problem was solved there was something else going on. Supposedly (since I wasn't there) she wasn't responding as she should. Come to find out she has a blood clot in her brain. So on the fifth day of Camp she was taken in for a "minor" surgery.

My dad kept saying "minor" and that we didn't have to worry, but I can't help but worry. Because of her advanced age any kind of surgery is basically major. So, for now, I don't know how it went or anything. Hopefully I'll hear something later.

So clearly, with this family situation going on, working on Project Death: Resurrection or Project Death: Revelation seems inappropriate. But I know I need to get some writing done. I absolutely have to get through my work on Resurrection before this month is over.

Current word count: 4,913
Behind: 5,087 words
Goal for Day 6: ~2,000 words

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