Thursday, June 7, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo June Session - Minor Progress

Yesterday (Day 6) I managed to actually write another 1,932 words. It isn't where I want to be on my novel at this time, but at least it is a little step in the right direction. By the end of Day 7, I am supposed to be at 11,666 words. I don't think I will catch up today, but there is some potential tomorrow as I have a shorter shift at work. Instead of my usual 2-10pm, I work 2-7pm. Given a few extra hours I should be able to write at least an extra 2-3,000, depending of course on whether or not my family will leave me alone for that time.

Hmm...maybe I should go to Panera after work tomorrow and get a couple hours of writing in there. My mom hates when I have short shifts anyway. Yeah, thinking about it, that really is the best option for me. Hopefully that will give me a little boost on my word count, and maybe even get me to catch up completely. I'd actually like to get to a point where I am ahead on everything.

Okay, well, what I can say about my work on Resurrection is that I have now completed the prologue and the first two chapters, successfully adding 5,593 words so far. By the time I am finished, I should have a novel that is close to 100,000 words in length. Yay!

I write using Scrivener and I know I have sung their praises before for saving my stories when other technological devices have failed me, but there is something else I love about the program. I can actually set a word count goal for either my entire manuscript or my goal for that particular writing session. Since my writing amount tends to vary by session I don't really use that feature, but the manuscript total is awesome. It gives me a goal bar and shows how far along I am. If you have written very little the bar is red, and about midway it is yellow-ish, and by the time you hit the final stretch the bar turns green. It is very cool.

Don't you think that is pretty darn cool? I love that it gives me a visual representation of how much I have accomplished. With Scrivener you don't have a running page total at the bottom of the document like Word has, though it is pretty easy to look up the project statistics and see the total word count and the number of pages in standard paperback format. Speaking of, I just looked and right now it says that Resurrection is 195 pages paperback. :)

This is still a difficult time for me to be working on a novel that centers around Death. There really hasn't been any change in regards to my grandma. She is still in the hospital and the doctors are running more and more tests on her to try and figure out what is going on. Needless to say, my focus is a little off, but I'm still trying to get some work done. Hopefully I can continue to meet my personal daily goals and then in the next few days I should be caught up.

Current word count: 6,845
Behind: 4,821 words
Goal: ~2,500 words

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