Saturday, June 2, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo June session - Day 01

My day started off with a bang, figuratively. At midnight I started working on my project for the June session of Camp, and I went to bed about 90 minutes later after putting 2,452 words into both Resurrection and Revelation. It is actually almost fun to work this way because when I can feel myself slowing down with one project I can just move on to the next, even though they both deal with the same universe and the same characters.

My main priority through this month though will be Resurrection. If everything goes the way I'd like it to then I could be finished with it by the halfway point and then just do a quick read through to make sure that I've fixed any blaring errors before going through the process of using my CreateSpace coupon. So, with any luck before I hit my 24th birthday, I will have a book published. Honestly I will consider it to be a success if I can sell a handful of copies, but I can still hope that I will become a success story like Amanda Hocking.

Anyway, I guess I should talk a little more about my writing process and progress. Since participating in NaNoWriMo 2011, I have discovered Scrivener, which I find to be one of the best ways to work on my novel. As a winner of the latest NaNo, I had a coupon to get Scrivener for 50% off and I decided to give it a try. I am so glad I did. Scrivener makes it easy to keep my research and my novel in one spot, and can organize my novel by chapter and/or scene. Then, when I'm finished, it will actually put all the chapters together to make one beautiful novel.

Also, an added bonus that I will admit to being extremely glad for is that every time I close Scrivener it automatically saves a backup copy of my project. So, when my USB and my external hard drive both failed on me within a couple months of each other, I still had copies of my novels because of the awesomeness of Scrivener.

As far as the editing of Resurrection, I have now finished the Prologue and Chapter One and I am almost finished with the edit of Chapter Two. Then, with Revelation I have finished Chapter One and I'm in the process of basically planning out the events of Chapter Two. My hope for tomorrow is to finish Chapter Two of Resurrection and then start on Chapter Three. All in all I have to make it all the way through Chapter 18 and I have such a short time in which to get this all finished. I am so glad to have Camp NaNoWriMo because it helps to push me forward in my writing.

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