Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Welcome to my Writing Sanctuary

I realize that I haven't posted any writing posts lately, and that is going to change, mostly because Camp NaNoWriMo is right around the corner. Because of having my From the Stacks reviews now on Mondays and Fridays, I won't be using my old schedule of writing updates on Tuesdays and reviews on Fridays. Instead, you can now look forward to reviews on Mondays and Fridays and writing updates on Wednesdays.

I've already made the decision to use the April session of Camp NaNoWriMo to do a complete rewrite on Souls Unknowing. I will have a post up with a general overview of the story in a couple of weeks and then every Wednesday through April I will let you know how the NaNo process is working for me, because it is more of a help to my writing than anything else.

Until then I need other writing-type posts to add here, and today I'm going to give everyone a peek into where I do a lot of my writing these days. I was inspired to do this because of a recurring blog I've found by Meagan Spooner, who has authors guest blog with numerous pictures about their writing spaces. It sounded really cool and I like seeing where all of these creative juices flow and such. So, without further is my writing space.

 Here is the corner of the room that houses my desk and one of my four bookshelves.

As you can probably tell by the right hand side of my desk that is piled up with stuff, I really need to be more organized. That really should be one of my priorities before Camp NaNo starts up. A clean writing space would probably be more productive. Anyway, my desk chair is not as comfortable as I'd like; after sitting in it for a couple hours I have to get up and move around or something, which is not helpful when I want to spend a day writing. Also, those books to the left and behind my computer are my writing books. They include the 2011 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market, the 2012 Guide to Literary Agents, a book on Character naming complete with origin and meanings, a Writer's Guide to Character Traits, and the 2nd edition of Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy. That beach hammock poster that is sort of blocked by my desk was given to me by one of my best friends in university and even just seeing portions of it there helps to relax me.

This was the 2011 NaNoWriMo poster covered in Baty-isms

To the right of my desk, on the back of my bedroom door, is this wonderful poster that serves as a great inspirational motivational reminder for me. I have been extremely passionate about NaNoWriMo since 2006, considering how much it has helped me really work through the first drafts of a number of novels. Chris Baty founded NaNoWriMo in 1999 and has had many awesome sayings. One of my favorites is "Whatever you think you are, you are more than that." I have a sticker with that saying on my laptop below the keys and right beside the mouse pad, so I can always have it there to remind me that I can accomplish so much more than I thought I could.

This is the biggest of my bookshelves.

I am a bibliophile. Most of my room is filled with bookshelves, so much so that I actually don't have any empty wall space. I'm to the point where if I buy more books then I'm going to have to reorganize half of my closet to put some bookshelves in there. I realize I could try going all digital, but my NOOK dies after 4 straight hours of reading and then I have to put it to charge and pick up a dead tree copy anyway, so I keep a hefty supply of both. At my last count I had well over 1,000 dead tree copies of books and almost 600 NOOK books. Someday, when I have a place of my own, I plan on having one room that is nothing but bookshelves and a couple comfy chairs to read in.

Just to the left of that bookshelf is actually a dry erase board. In university I used it to keep track of both mine and my roommate's homework assignments for each of our classes. Now I use it to sort of plot some of my novels...which is why I don't have a good picture of it because right now it is covered in scribbles that might include spoilers for my current WIPs. (or is that WsIP?).

This is my bed, aka my other writing space, plus my other two bookshelves

Okay, so over half of the space in my bedroom is occupied by my huge California King Water Bed, so I'm limited in how to organize things. In grad school, I actually wrote a number of my papers from the comforts of my bed. I have a number of extra pillows that I took out of this picture, and I use them to prop myself up because...well, water bed. Above and around my bed I have a number of posters: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Avengers, an awesome phoenix, and Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory. Then, you can see a little bit of it above my bookshelves, I have a map of Ancient Rome that I picked up when I was in Rome in spring 2009. I actually love to look at that poster. I have had it above/beside my bed ever since I came home. Another souvenir from my trip to Italy is that stuffed lion on my bed. His name is Genova, because I bought him at a little gas station/convenience store in Genova (Genoa) Italy.

Anyway, that's just about it for my primary writing space. When I can, I also try to go to the library or to Panera...not really Starbucks though because my local one really doesn't have that artsy-writer vibe that I like.

I hope you enjoyed the look into my writing space. Please feel free to make comments and/or ask questions if you'd like. Who knows, you may spark my interest for another writing blog.

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