Thursday, January 24, 2013

Not just a writer, but also a cheerleader

Okay, so I was going to spend my writing update post talking about the great progress I've made and how I've almost polished up another novel, but something else has really struck me as important over the past week or so and I feel like I have to talk about it. Especially now that I'm unemployed and searching for a job, I find myself spending more time on other activities I do at other times of the year.

For example, I am a Municipal Liaison for NaNoWriMo. I won't say which region since I participate in NaNo under my real name, not my pen name. Being an ML has been one of the most fulfilling parts of my life, because not only do I have so many authors in my region who help to inspire me with their stories and their motivations and such, but I also have the opportunity to help them and motivate them to continue with their writing.

That motivation, or cheerleading, extends past my time as a ML. My mom decided to go back to college and she has just started her second quarter. I have had (okay, not had like forced, but had because I feel that I have that duty) to cheer her on and help her out whenever possible. I spent 8 semesters (4 years) earning my Bachelor's degree, and then another 3 semesters (1.5 years) earning my Master's degree, so I know a little bit about navigating college, which has worked in my mom's favor. Just this quarter, she needed a textbook for an assignment and didn't have the time to order it from the school bookstore to have it sent to her. So, I drove down to the main campus and picked up the book, an easy task for me because I have done that same activity almost a dozen times before. I enjoy that rush when she is doing well and succeeding. I am as happy to see her getting 100% on assignments as she is, and that is great.

Now one of my cousins has decided to go back to school, and I told her the same thing I told my mom...if you need help, I'm here for you. She sends me text updates on how her classes are going and what kind of grades she is getting. And I am happy to send back how happy and proud I am, because really, I have grown to enjoy being that cheerleader, that person who helps someone else achieve a goal.

To move this whole story back to writing and publishing, etc. I'd like to think that I try my best to help out fellow authors. I have had several great Twitter conversations or Facebook conversations with some authors. When they tweet about needing help with a name or a certain creature of mythology or something, I try to help when I can. After seeing a post about submitting a manuscript to a contest or submitting a query letter to a publishing company, I wish the author luck, and try to check in if they don't say anything after a while. I saw an author I enjoy asking for suggestions for her next blog post, so I asked if we could hear more about her current work in progress. She obliged by posting a few hours later, and even thanking me for the suggestion at the very beginning. (The fangirl in me really liked that).

I really enjoy being a cheerleader or a motivator, no matter what the cause. When it comes down to it, one of my favorite things aside from writing my own novels is talking to and helping others who are participating in NaNoWriMo events. I think that the employees of the Office of Letters and Light have the best jobs out there, because they get to be there to help motivate and inspire the next authors of the world, whether this generation or the next. Someday I sincerely hope to have a job that awesome.

Until then I will continue to be a ML and a cheerleader to my friends, family, and the authors I hope to join in the published ranks soon.

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