Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Figuring Out a Writing Schedule

Well, okay, technically it is figuring out a schedule period. What I'd like to be able to do with my day is: fill out job applications, work on writing/editing my novels, keep up with my TV shows, read books, and technically I should try to find time to exercise but that usually falls by the wayside every time. So far in the month of January I have completely finished 13 books and I'm about halfway finished with three others. I've also managed to fill out something like 50 job applications, though I'm not hearing back from anyone. The only writing I've managed to do is 1400 words the other day and I think I added a couple hundred words while doing some editing today, so I'm really behind on that front.

I don't really mind writing in my bedroom because I'm the one who painted and styled and laid out the room, but I feel like I basically spend all of my time there (or rather here since I'm in my room right now) and it is just getting monotonous. My car's heater core was bad so it went into the shop to get fixed...two weeks ago, and apparently the guy hasn't even pulled it into the shop to work on it yet, so I don't have a car and can't really go anywhere. Also, have I mentioned before that I unfortunately still live at home with my parents and my little brother? Okay, and I say little brother but he's 22 years old so...

Anyway, I usually stay up pretty late either watching TV or reading so it stands to reason that I should make my TV time right before bed. Part of me thinks the productive thing to do would be to start my morning off with job applications, but I sometimes get so frustrated with those and I don't want my day to start off with aggravation. I currently start my day off with checking my e-mails, Facebook, Twitter, etc. So maybe I should spend a couple hours on job applications, then take a lunch break and maybe read for an hour or so, and then write for a couple hours? That sounds fairly reasonable, I think.

Right now I actually have a couple reasons I need to focus on my writing and editing. First I really need to finish up my edits for Project Death: Resurrection because I wanted to have it ready for self-publication by now. Second, and this would definitely be a leap of faith, the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest is back up and running again. Submissions opened yesterday and will go through January 27th, or until 10,000 entries have been turned in. I think that Bound is probably my best shot for the contest, since I'm still really putting some work into Resurrection. My focus for the next week will be on polishing up Bound and preparing my 300 word pitch so I can fill out the entry form and take a chance. The ABNA has a grand prize of a book contract with a $50,000 advance, while the four first place winners receive a contract with a $15,000 advance.

Just getting that publishing contract would be great, though a part of me would be a little upset if I did make it as a finalist. The contract is with Amazon, which would mean that I basically would not be able to have a NOOK book copy of my novel, and as an owner of a NOOK, it always frustrates me when I can't get a book because of contract stipulations and such. Then again, if I get professionally published then I can add that to my author bio and it could help me to get more books published with other companies who would distribute not just to Amazon, but also to B&N, etc.

So, that's the plan...Now to see if I can follow it.

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