Saturday, April 4, 2015

Camp NaNoWriMo April 2015: Off to a Pretty Good Start

I was actually originally going to title this as "Off to a Great Start" but that would be just a bit of an over-exaggeration. While I am doing decently, getting close to hitting the daily word count, I'm not quite there. Still though, I am super glad that I am actually writing every single day, and for longer than just a couple random minutes.

Right now I seem to be getting in about an hour or so of writing every day before work, and even though it is writing by hand, I am managing close to 1000 words, which is really good for pen and paper scribbling. If I was able to take my laptop with me then I would definitely hit my 1667 word goal for each day.

But that's why they invented the weekend, right? To have more time to catch up on all the words that eluded you through the week?

Well, that's the way I look at the weekends, at least during NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNoWriMo sessions. This weekend is no exception. In the first two days of Camp I wrote 2700 words, which is only about 600 words behind. But then, due to traveling on day three, I didn't actually write.

So here we are on day four, and I need to write 4000 words today to be completely caught up. That's not an impossible task. A few times I have managed to write 10000-13000 in a day, when properly motivated (typically by use of the Write or Die app).

I'm with my best friend and another self-published author, Signy Cullen, this weekend, and we definitely plan on having a writing session at the local Panera. Plus whatever we manage to do just at her house.

I'll have more of an update on my Camp writing progress for my regularly scheduled writing blog post on Wednesday, but for now I can say that I have almost finished the first chapter of Project Death: Redemption, the third book in my series, so that feels pretty darn amazing. I'm starting to settle into Jules's mind and voice, and I think it's going to be a really good book.