Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's Time for NaNoWriMo Prep!

Here we are, back for another writing update, and I can honestly say that October is a month where my writing gets a little erratic. I spend some time working on random stories I have and then I also try to work on doing some outlining and such for my NaNoWriMo novel. Next week my writing update will introduce you to the world I am immersing myself in for the month of November, but for now I'm going to talk about the other stuff I'm working on.

I'm still doing some editing on Project Death: Resurrection and it still isn't going fast enough for me but I'm still going to keep working on it, because I set a goal and I plan to stick to it. I think I've added another 800 words or so to my total, taking it up to 70,000 words.

Something I know I shouldn't have done but I couldn't help myself was start working on another new novel, but the idea came to me a few weeks back while talking with a friend of mine who is planning on going to grad school to become a librarian. Anyway, it led to me thinking of how I think of librarians as real superheroes, and wouldn't it be cool if there was a group of librarians who actually were superheroes with abilities and such. So the House of Librarians was born. I've done basic character sketches and I've written 100 words so far on the story. This will be a side project, not one I'm really going to really focus on for quite some time, but if the muse strikes I might as well write down a few hundred words here and there.

Now, to the main portion of this post, where I tie everything into the title. Tomorrow, October 17th, is the first ever official NaNo Prep Day. They are asking Wrimos to hop on Twitter and Tweet about how you are planning for NaNoWriMo using the hashtag #NaNoPrep. I'm planning on doing it, and I hope you other Wrimos out there will join in. It should be pretty fun.

Oh, for those who want to, you can find me on Twitter: @DanielleThamasa.

And in other news, I received another Goodreads First Reads book yesterday. It is called Tangled Web by Crista McHugh, and the copy I received was autographed and came with two autographed bookmarks as well. It looks like a really interesting book so it may very well end up being a From the Stacks pick in November. That is the other thing I am trying to do in preparation for NaNoWriMo, to get ahead on my book reading so I don't have to panic as much about getting my From the Stacks reviews ready.

Well, I think that just about wraps up my post for today. I'll see you all either tomorrow on Twitter for #NaNoPrep or on Friday for the next From the Stacks.


  1. A plan to catch up on reading WHILE also churning out a gazillion words in a month? Sheer madness, I tell you!

  2. Well, that's me. Last year I did NaNo as a full-time grad student with two jobs. That was madness. This is just normal everyday stuff. Besides, I'll probably only read between 4-6 books in November.
