Friday, January 2, 2015

From the Stacks: No One's Surrender by Kelly Walker

Today's From the Stacks review is for No One's Surrender (Chadwell Hearts, #3) by Kelly Walker.

Chelsea Arnold is not a Chadwell, as her mother incessantly reminds her. And if she doesn’t learn to play the game, she’ll never see a dime of her new step-daddy’s money. So Chelsea puts on the act and dutifully follows the Chadwell family rules: everyone has to work in the family bar to learn life lessons. Little do they know, she already knows the biggest lesson of all: the best thing to be is underestimated. Then they’ll never see you coming. And in a few more weeks when she’s tucked enough cash away, she’ll be out of here, leaving her new family and her washed-up mother behind, because all Chelsea wants is freedom. Inheritance be damned. 
But when her step-father learns he has a son he never knew about, it throws her plan off the tracks. While another son and an ex-wife sharing her husband’s affections are too much for Chelsea’s mother to handle and she heads for the hills, the rough around the edges Warren “Ware” Chadwell is enough to tempt Chelsea to stay. Despite the fact that all he has to offer is everything she’s determined to shy away from, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks knows how to push her buttons in all the right ways, no matter how wrong it is.

Overall rating: 5 stars

First things first, a disclaimer. I wanted to buy this on release day but B&N was being slow, so Kelly Walker gave me a copy in exchange for an honest review. That in no way altered my opinion of the book.

HOLY CRAP!!! I thought it couldn't get any better after No One's Angel and No One's Hero, but I should have known that Chelsea would surpass all my expectations. She's pretty good at that, isn't she? Getting to know Ware was great too, even if I called his secret pretty early on in the story.

I devoured this book. When I went to bed after ringing in the New Year, I read a few chapters and then forced myself to set my NOOK aside, but as soon as I woke up I was grabbing for the e-reader first thing so I could finish up the story. I'm not even ashamed to admit that I had dreamed about all of the characters, imagining that I was a part of it all too.

These books are so freaking good, but I'm a little sad to hear that the next book might be the last and it will focus on River and Ian, two secondary characters from this book. What about Dougie? Seeing his struggles in this book since he and Chelsea split up made me want to see him meet somebody who was special... and right for him.

Also, can I just say that I'm super excited for Axel's upcoming novella? I so want to read about that very happy day (the one that in reality took place just a couple days ago, December 31, 2014).

I am amazed by Kelly Walker's talents as a writer and I look forward to reading many more books by her in the future.

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