Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo July...Why July?

There is only one thing that I do not like about Camp NaNoWriMo. It changes months every year. The first year it took place in July and August, which I thought was a horrible idea. Trying to do 50,000 words in 31 days two months in a row is really difficult. Then last year it was June and August, which I have to say that I absolutely loved. There was a break in the middle and both sessions took place in wonderful summer months.

This year, Camp NaNoWriMo took place in April (how is that a summer camp option?) and now July. Yes, July has 31 days which gives a little more time to hit the word count goal, and you don't even have to aim for 50K anymore because you can change your goal lower or higher depending on what you want to do.

Okay, really part of my mini-rant here could be because I absolutely loved having Camp NaNo in August. My birthday is August 1st and I can always count on telling people that what I want for my birthday is a day for everyone to leave me alone so I can write. It really does help with the word count...and having a cake doesn't hurt either.

I have participated in both sessions of Camp since it was created. I am a founding donor for Camp. I love having more opportunities to sit down and write while my inner editor is locked up somewhere deep inside. But, what I would love even more is to be able to have a consistency to my Camp planning. I can always count on NaNoWriMo to be in November. Is it so wrong to want Camp to have that same reliability? I vote for June and August. Really, they were they best.

Moving my actual Camp progress. I am working on Project Death: Revelation, the second book in the Project Death series and the sequel to my just released novel (available on Amazon and CreateSpace). This second book delves into Thanos's past, as well as progressing from where the story ended in the first book. It was that dual nature that has made my writing fairly slow for the past week. I kept trying to write it in a linear order, having the story jump from what is happening at that moment with the characters, to then having Thanos tell Tamesis the story of his past.

I hit a realization yesterday and it is making a world of difference. I am going to write all of Thanos's back story, and then weave the rest of the plot around that fact, deciding when it would be best to have Thanos pause in his narration, etc. It should work out a lot better and will hopefully mean a rapidly rising word count.

Oh, and I am going to go visit Signy Cullen this weekend and we have a lot planned, both fun and work. We are going to go to an amusement park and ride some roller coasters on Saturday, and then on Sunday we are going to visit a few cemeteries. I am still searching for the perfect image to use for the cover of Project Death: Revelation. Hopefully I'll find what I need when I'm with her.

I think that's all for now. I need to get back to writing.

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