Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Camp NaNo April 2015 Beginning Prep

It's no secret that I love NaNoWriMo. I have participated in every event since 2006.

Now, for those who do not know, NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. It takes place every November and participants attempt to write 50,000 wprds in only 30 days. The success of NaNo led to expansions, first with ScriptFrenzy (now defunct) and Camp NaNoWriMo.

Camp NaNo has a few basic differences from NaNo. First, the word count goal is adjustable, which is nice for people who either can't hit the 50K goal or for those who need the challenge of a higher goal. Second, instead of having forums divided by geographical locations,Camp has cabins whoch house up to 12 campers.

I have enjoyed Camp just as much as NaNo and so I look forward to April and July almost as much as November.

This year for the April session I am hoping to write most of the third book in my Project Death series.

So that brings me to the main point of this blog post...the beginning. Books one and two both started in similar manners and it works. The first book is told by Tamesis, a Resurrector who becomes the Angel of Death, and the second book is told by Thanos, also known as Death.

The third book is told by Julianne, who is not like my other two narrators. She is a human and she is being caught in the middle of the growing war between the Resurrectors and Death's forces. For this reason the book needs to have a different beginning.

I have tried to start the book a few different times, but it is not quite working. The trick is going to be in introducing the characters and the world in a way that doesn't feel stale to those who have read the first two books but can also bring new readers up to speed.

So that is what I am focusing on in this next week as I prepare for the start of Camp NaNoWriMo in April 2015.

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