Sunday, November 16, 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014 Midpoint Update

Hey's been a long while since I last posted. I am so sorry about that. It seems like I keep failing on keeping up with my schedule for this blog. That is going to be one of my New Year's Resolutions for 2015, to actually keep up with my blog posts.

I guess what sparked or pushed me back towards writing posts is a new friend I made at my region's write-in yesterday. She has a blog, a YouTube channel, two jobs, and I've looked at her content production...she is fairly prolific.

If people haven't realized this already, I can sometimes be quite competitive. So if she can maintain a blog, a vlog, and all sorts of other social media outlets then so can I.

So, here's my update for the first half of NaNoWriMo, but I warn you that it is pretty sad. In week one I wrote an overwhelming total of 1,616 words. That's right. In one week I wrote less than what is supposed to be written in a day. I added a little over 1,700 words yesterday, which means that I am roughly 20,000 or so words behind schedule.

I have to play catch up now. And since I am wide awake and it is currently 1:10am I just might try some Write or Die sessions now and see if I can boost my total a bit.

Also, in other semi-related news, I have gotten my mom to agree to me making some changes to my writing office. So, after I do some tidying up and such, my spring cleaning projects will include repainting the office and making it feel even more cozy and productive for my writing and my life. So look for updates on that in 2015.

Okay, so I'm going to go write now and see if I can squeeze in anywhere between 15,000 and 20,000 words on this 16th day of November.

Wish me luck. I'll probably need it at this point.


  1. YEAH! Do ALL THE WORDS! I believe in you, Sam! And I love redecorating my room <3 so much excites. Have fun!

    1. I actually did a blog post about my writing office back in Feb 2014. You should check it out, you know, and compare/contrast our writing spaces. lol.

      Actual words written for today...just over 2K. I was mostly handwriting and I was interrupted far too often for my liking. Still, I have made more progress the past couple days than I have the rest of the month. So now I just need to bump up my Write or Die sessions every day and I should be able to catch up/get ahead sometime this week (I hope).

      And redecorating can be nice. I like that I'm claiming the space as my own even more. I went to Lowe's and got paint cards and narrowed my options before presenting them to my mom. Since it is her house, she gets a say in my color choice as well. Together we narrowed the options from 6 to 2, and I think I'm going with the sage green. It should look really nice. Now I just have to get the rest of the office organized and cleaned so I'm ready to paint when the weather gets nice next spring.

