Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A New Year of Writing, Editing, and Self-Publishing

2013 marked the year that I started publishing my novels. In the six months that Project Death: Resurrection has been out I have sold roughly 32 paperback copies and there have been 40 e-book downloads. While I can admit to wishing that the numbers were bigger, I still feel happy that some people have purchased my book and read it. All the verbal reviews I've received through my mom's friends have been positive, and there are a few lovely people who are begging me for the sequel--sorry, that won't be out until this summer. So, though I am hoping for more sales for this book/series, I am also looking forward to everything I have on my schedule for this year.

Souls Unknowing will be coming out toward the end of the month. It is a paranormal YA book revolving around a group of teens who can see and speak to ghosts. This is the first book in the trilogy, and in it there are many secrets/truths/mysteries to be solved. I will have a post solely about the book up very soon.

Then, after Souls Unknowing is released, I will be focusing my attention on finishing/editing Project Death: Revelation, the second book in the Project Death series. What I love about this book is that it is part prequel, part sequel, and you really do need to read the first book first. There have been some interesting times with working on this book because unlike the first book where Tamesis told the story, this one is told from the POV of Thanos, and he is a lot more reserved and controlled than Tam. Also, since he is not fond of talking about his past, he sometimes doesn't even want to tell his story to me and that occasionally makes progress quite slow. Still, I expect Project Death: Revelation to be out in June or July.

They haven't announced when the sessions of Camp NaNoWriMo will be this year (and they change every year-- July and August, then June and August, and then April and August) but lately my mind has been returning to a novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo back in 2007, and the characters are getting pushy again. I like the characters and certain points of the plot still work, but everything they have told me lately means that a great deal of the story needs to change, and that means a re-write is in order. So, just to give myself a bit of a breather from the two series I'm writing and publishing now, I'll spend the first session of Camp working on Bounty: A Hunter's Tale, which is actually the first of a seven book series that I am considering publishing after I've completed the Souls Trilogy.

After that I'll return to the world of Tru and her mediator friends and finish up Souls Abandoned, the second book in the trilogy that I'm hoping to have published in December or possibly next January. I have the story mostly written so now it's just about wrapping up everything in a way that makes you want to delve straight into the final book. It should be fun, especially since Souls Abandoned has evolved so much since I started working on it back in high school.

I have not yet decided what to work on for the second session of Camp NaNoWriMo. I guess that will depend on how I'm doing with my other projects. If I don't finish Bounty in the first session, I may work on it for the second session, but then again, I might need to focus on Souls Abandoned. I really won't have everything set in stone until I get closer to summertime.

Of course, if nothing else is immediately pressing for the second session of Camp, then I may bump my NaNo project up from November to Camp session 2, and start work on Project Death: Redemption since I need to have it finished and ready to go for summer 2015. What will be fun with Redemption is that is shows yet another side in the war between the Resurrectors and Death/Balance by following a young woman who died without a Resurrector to save her or a Reaper to guide her soul to the afterlife. The third book will also delve a little more into Addie's history, which I hadn't predicted when I started the series years ago. It has been amazing learning more about the characters and the world through this whole process.

So, that's all I can think of for now. The year of 2014 will be spent working on at least four novels, publishing two (maybe three), and setting myself up for hopefully even more book sales and fans and new experiences. I'll probably do the December book signing again in 2014 and with more books available I might be able to entice more people into my books. It would be pretty darn awesome. I'm even thinking about maybe trying to set up a book signing or something in the summer to celebrate the release of Revelation. We'll see what happens.

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