Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo April 2013 Progress Report

(6:15 a.m.)

I feel like I am failing right now...I am not making the progress I would like and it is quite frustrating. At the same time, I understand that right now my body and my mind are trying to adjust to my new job and all the stresses that go along with it. But, that is still no excuse for not sitting down and spending at least 30 minutes to an hour working on Souls Unknowing.

What I can report right now in regards to a word count...164 words. I managed to write out a summary. I mean, I've also written 3 book reviews this month, but I'm not counting those in my word count because they have nothing to do with the story.

Also, I have been making some changes in regards to some character names and such and a few of my main characters are actually currently without names, which somewhat makes it difficult to write.

Anyway, my goal is that this afternoon, once I get home from work, to at least get down the prologue. We'll see what happens.

(9:30 p.m.)

Still not really making much progress. I'm doing plenty of thinking about the story and possible ways to write certain scenes, but I'm not spending much time sitting at my computer (or sitting with a pad of paper and pen) and writing. Some of you may recall that during the first session of Camp last year my grandma caught a really bad virus and we thought it looked pretty grim. I can honestly report that true to her nature, she fought back and is winning, though it is a slow and steady recovery. We moved her out of the nursing home she had lived in since last July and now she's at home with us. I feel compelled to spend a couple hours with her when I get home each day.

By the time I actually head up to my room every evening, I have to go about setting out my clothes for the next day, gathering my pajamas up, and head to take a shower and get ready for bed. Then, if I'm lucky I can get on the computer for a few minutes so I can check my e-mail, do a little job hunting since I'm still not where I want to be, and working in a factory is not all that great for a librarian, seriously.

So, when I do pull up Souls Unknowing, I just stare at that nearly blank Scrivener page and my mind seems to go as blank as the page. My goal for right now is to just try to jot down a scene or two before/during work and then make serious progress this weekend, where...hopefully...I will have more time to focus on writing.

Souls Unknowing

Something has caused the spirits of Rolling Acres Boarding School to grow extremely restless, and it is up to a small group of mediators to discover long buried secrets to prevent such a tragedy from occurring once more.

Unfortunately there are a number of hurdles to overcome and there are more secrets than just what happened preceding the fire that destroyed the school 50 years earlier.

Tru Martin struggles with accepting her true place as one who communicates with spirits due to a desire for normalcy. Veteran mediators Megan, Allie, and Ian all seem to have different opinions on how to proceed with crossing over the spirits. And the arrival of another mediator who has a history with one person in particular may lead to the greatest shock of all.

With time running out and graduation coming around the corner, can this friendship formed out of a shared ability survive all the discoveries, spirits, and dangers, and solve a mystery before everything goes up in smoke?

Well...this is what I have right now for the story summary/back cover blurb. I still might do some tweaking, but what do you guys think?

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