Wednesday, February 8, 2012

FebNoWriMo...kind of

Okay, so I am a huge fan of C.E. Murphy, and she decided that she was going to do FebNoWriMo because of the amount of writing she needed to get finished by mid-April. Looking at all of my novels and what I would like to happen by year's end, I saw that I had a lot of writing to do as well. I said, okay, well I've never lost NaNoWriMo in the 6 years I have attempted it and I won both sessions of Camp NaNoWriMo last why not do a NaNo session in February.

Thanks to NaNoWriMo I have a CreateSpace coupon to use and I only have until June 30, 2012, to utilize said coupon. I would really like to finish editing one of my novels and get it published. I asked some of my friends and fans which one they would like and finally settled on Souls Unknowing, the first book in my Souls trilogy about ghosts.

However, I ran into a big problem. My USB drive randomly decided to delete everything I had on it, which meant that I lost my only digital copy of Souls Unknowing. I was saved by the fact that I actually had a printed out copy laying around.

I started Souls Unknowing back in 2004 and finished it in 2006, right before I finished high school. I haven't really touched it since then. I've been re-typing everything and as I'm going through it I am realizing just how much I have learned about writing since then. The bones of the story (I think)  are still good but there is quite a bit of work to be done.

So, I am going to try and hold myself accountable to this re-write and publication process. I am going to try and post updates about how I'm doing with all of this and if I slack in doing that, I'm hoping that you, my good friends, will pester me and ask what's going on and if I've been working on Souls Unknowing.

Right now I have re-typed up the prologue and chapters 1-8. I still need to re-type up chapters 9-46 and the epilogue. Then I need to readjust the chapters so that I only have like 24 or so instead of 48. Then I need to actually go through everything, edit, and expand on stuff.

It's going to be a busy next few months, but hopefully it will all work out. Oh, and when I finish Souls Unknowing and release it, I'll be sure to post a link to where it can be purchased.

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